
Teaching Permaculture

Since 2018, I find myself frequently standing in front of groups transmitting my enthusiasm for permaculture through theory and practice. Since 2021 I offer courses. My fascination with life’s intricate workings and practical experience with gardening is the basis of that which I teach. In my courses, I aim to demystify gardening, transmit joy, and offer insight into the workings of nature, from water cycles to living soil, and much more. Gardening is all about cultivating an embodied intuition, this is why I promote learning by doing, as my “mistakes” are my most valuable learning moments! 

The Dragon Seed Camp

The Dragon Seed Camp is a co-created skill sharing gathering. Since 2018 it is taking place every year in August on the countryside of Switserland. The camp is all about playfull collective inquiry into “Transformative Culture”. What connects and empowers us? What are transformative ways to deal with decision-making, power, money? How can we organize ourselves?

Everyone can offer what they like to share, request what they wish to research, offer their practical skills, and find their own ways to co-create and contribute. Find out more.

Permaculture Gardening

Since 2018, I cultivate a big part of my fresh vegetables and fruits. I do this guided by Permaculture Principles and ethics, and lots of curious experimenting. My approach can be described as no-dig gardening, diverse polycultures, dense and diverse. I see that taking care of our needs from the land we live on is a great way to take care of the earth and respond to climate instability. By cultivating the land, we become an integrated part of the living being that is our earth. Since the fall of 2023 l have taken the lead of the Permaculture Garden of Ecovillage Schloss Glarisegg in Switzerland, here I give monthly garden tours, teach courses, and welcome volunteers.

Pathways Courses

Since 2019, I have been working with two dear friends in a collective we have come to name “pathways”. We develop holistic learning journeys for young adults (18-30) as well as trainings for youth workers (no age limit). With funding from Movetia, we offer these courses on donation basis, with food, accomodation and even travel costs covered. The topics we explore are Permaculture, Community building, Climate Change, Authentic Vocation, Deep Ecology, Dialogue, and much more. Find out more about this project and about upcoming courses here.

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